
I'm on a blogation. I'll still be reading your posts through Google reader or Bloglines every few days so I can keep up with what's happening in your lives/head. As always, you can email me - shmeder at gmail.

I won't be coming back here.

Friday, March 31, 2006

In my jealousy of misery... I will never be the same

Do you ever listen to a song that you haven't heard in years and get thrown back in time through some sort of time warp? It was by accident that I found this song while surfing tonight and I can't seem to stop listening. It's an old Denver band that I used to catch as much as I could.

My friend Eric eventually joined the band. He was always closer to a few friends of mine except for a few months in college. He and I ended up starting school in Fort Collins at the same time. He was my only friend so we used to hang out at each other's dorm rooms. Actually, I ended up having to go over his place most of the time because we couldn't smoke in my room. You know how you might not have a whole lot in common with someone until you realize that you are in a room with the only person in town that gets you? There was nothing sexual about our relationship. He was like my brother - it was cool. Anyway, he was my friend for a few months and then he dropped out and moved back to Denver. I saw him play in the band a few times but for some reason was worried that he might blow me off so I never approached him. I really had no self-confidence back then. Rejection was tough for me...

I wonder what happened to him. Last I heard, I think he might have a had a small problem with smack... not sure.

That song makes me feel so much at once I can't explain it. One feeling I can decipher is the way I used to feel when I would walk downtown. When downtown was cool... LoDo did not exist but the 15th street viaduct (with Rob hanging back behind a pillar ready to sell you anything you needed) and ample free parking did exist. How things have changed...